Sunday, August 12, 2012

Supreme 90 Day Workout Reviews

Hey guys
New job has got me all out of whack so this next month (until I'm out of training) post and videos will be kind of random ( I have to get them in where they fit in lol). However, as promised I wanted to give you Supreme 90 Day DVD reviews. So far (Today will be day 9) I have encountered seven out of ten of the DVDs provided. Here are my feeling over the DVDs:

Overall review:
I am enjoying the program so far. The workouts are no longer then 45 mins. which is great when the best time to get them in is right before bed. I love workouts that you can fell afterwards which is definitely what happens. I can tell these workout works and can't wait for the results. Somethings I do not like is the expectation from the trainer that we fully know all of the workouts and whats coming next. Yes maybe after a month we can know what is coming next without being told but right now these are the first time going through these workouts. I would like if there was maybe a section where you can cues from the trainer on just on the screen of whats coming next. You don't know how many times I had to press pause just to catch up.

Review By DVD:
Chest/Back: Great workout ! A lot of the workouts I have never done before. You will be using both the workout Ball and dumbbells. Everything is at your own pace so you may start out slower then the guys on the DVD or do less reps then them. This workout is designed for you to get the perfect form not do the most reps.

Ultimate ball: VERY VERY HARD. Balance is key in these workouts. You will be using the workout ball (of course) and dumbbells. You may not get through the entire without stopping or falling but you are not expected to first starting out. I can't wait to be able to maintain my balance on these round things.

Tabata Inferno: Extreme !!! This workout is 30 sec workout and 30 sec rest. 30 sec. may seem small but it is very long when you are doing it. Get ready to sweat bullets!

Shoulders/Arms: One of my favorites so far! I love the way the workouts made by upper body feel. This so no walk in the park but you will love the feelings once your done.

Cardio Challenge: This is 20 sec workout and 10 sec rest. Your heart will not stop running during this workout. Oh and your legs will feel the burn....for days.

Legs: Was painful to go through after the day prior workout. Legs also was crying during these workouts.

Looks like these will be the only workouts used for a while. As soon as I encounter the other three a review will go up. :)


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